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September 19, 2009

Using Herbs Simply And Safely

To avoid problems when selling or using herbs:

1. Be sure that the appropriate object.
2. Use Simple.
3. Understand that different preparations and the same plant can operate in different ways.
4. Use nourishing, toning, stimulating, and possibly poisonous herbs wisely.

Be sure that the appropriate object

One of the easiest ways to get in trouble with herbs is a "bad use" one. How could this happen? Common names for herbs overlap, causing confusion as to the identity. Herbs that may be properly labeled by impurities and other, more dangerous, containing herbs. Herbs can be picked up in the growth stage or not wrong after harvest, develop harmful properties.

Protect yourself and your clients with these simple steps:

- Buy herbs only from reputable sellers.
- Only buy herbs that are labeled with their botanical names. Botanical name names, but the same common name may refer to several different plants. "Marigold" can be used calendula officinalis, medical herb, or Tagetes, an annual report as a bedding plant.
- If you grow herbs to sell, be careful to separate the different cultures and in the dry state and his obsession with labels.

Use Simple

Just grass. For optimum safety, I cook, buy, sell, teach about simple and vegetables, that is, they contain a single plant. (Sometimes I add mint flavor remedies.)

More herbs in the formula, the greater the chance of unintended side effects. It is understandable that the public tried combinations in the hope of getting more for less. And many mistakenly believe that herbs are used together to be effective (probably because potentially poisonous herbs are often combined with protective herbs to) reduce damage from them. However, the combination of herbs with the same properties, such as goldenseal and echinacea, is counter-productive and probably more trouble than the cause. A simple tincture of echinacea is more effective than any combination and safer.

Different people have different reactions to substances, whether drugs, foods or herbs. When herbs are mixed into the formula and those who have unpleasant side effects, there is no way to know that the grass is not the reason. With simple, easy to say that the grass is doing. If there is an adverse reaction, other herbs with similar properties can be taken. Limit the amount of grass in one day (not more than four) used provides additional protection.

Side effects of herbs are less common side effects of drugs and usually less severe. If the grass violates the digestion, it is possible that the body is in the process of learning. He tries a little more before he surrender. Stop taking herbs, which can cause nausea, dizziness, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache or blurred vision. (These effects are usually quite quickly.) Elm is an excellent antidote to the poison.

If you have no food or drug hypersensitivity, it is especially important to see a list of side effects of drugs in front of you.

Understand that different preparations and the same plant can operate in different ways

Security herbs depends on how they are produced and used.

- Tinctures and extracts contain the alkaloids or poisonous parts of plants, and should be used with caution and wisdom. The infusions are as safe as the grass on the issue see the following precautions for a tonic, stimulant, sedative, or potentially poisonous herbs. It is best to use / easy, sell any combination, especially when using strong herbs.

- Dried herbs used in teas or infusions from plants containing the nutritional aspects and, as a rule, fairly safe, especially at feeding time, or tonic.

- Dried herbs in capsules, as a rule, the least efficient use of herbs. They are poorly digested, poorly used and are often outdated or ineffective and costly.

- Infused herbal oils are available, such as thickening in the ointment. They are much safer than essential oils, which are highly concentrated and can be fatal if taken internally.

- Herbal vinegars are not only decorative, but rich in minerals, as well. A good way to nourish and tone of herbal sedatives were not as strong as tinctures stimulants.

- Herbal Glycerin for those who prefer to avoid alcohol, are available, but are usually weaker than the influence of dyes.

Use nourishing, toning, stimulating, and possibly poisonous herbs wisely

Herbs group of several thousand plants with a wide range of activities. Some of these nutrients, some Tonifies some stimulants and sedatives, and some are potential poisons. To use wisely and well, we must understand the different categories, their use, the best form of training, and the usual range of doses.

- Nourishing herbs are the safest of all herbs, side effects are rare. Nourishing herbs should be taken in any amount for any period of time. They are used as food, as spinach and cabbage. Nourishing herbs provide high levels of protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, carotenoids and essential fatty acids.

Examples of nourishing herbs: alfalfa, amaranth, astragalus, calendula flowers, chickweed, comfrey leaves of dandelion, fenugreek, flax seeds, honeysuckle flowers, lamb quarters, mallow, nettle, oats, plantain (leaves / seeds), purslane red clover blossoms, seaweed , Siberian ginseng, slippery elm, violet leaves, and mushrooms.

- Herbal Toning slowly in the body actions and cumulative, and not take effect immediately. They are building an entity (like the liver) or system (like the immune system.) Tonifying herbs particularly helpful if in small amounts over a long period are not used. Get to know more bitter taste of tonic, the less necessary. Bland tonics may be used in combination, as nutritious grasses.

Side effects are rare and tonic, but usually very short time. Many older herbalists wrong to equate stimulating herbs with tonic herbs, too widespread abuse of the side effects of many herbs and serious.

Examples of tonic herbs: barberry bark, burdock root / seeds, chaste tree, the crown (cup) herb, dandelion root, echinacea, nard, fennel, garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, ivy, hawthorn berries, horsetail, the Virgin's mantle, lemon balm, milk thistle seeds, motherwort, mullein, Pau D'Arco, raspberry leaf, Schisandra berries, herbs, Joan of Arc, turmeric root, Usnea, wild yam and beef.

- Soothing and stimulating herbs cause a variety of fast reactions, some of which may not be desirable. Some parts of this issue can be highlighted to help other regions. Strengths sedatives, and stimulants, whether herbs or the influence of drugs, press us beyond our usual range of activities and can cause serious side effects. If we trust them, and then try to work without them, we move more in the end (or depression) than before it began. Habitual use of strong sedatives and stimulants - whether opium is, rhubarb root, cayenne pepper or coffee - to avoid loss of tone, malfunction and even physical dependency. The stronger the plant, the more moderate increase in dose and shorter duration of its use.

Herbs that strengthen and nourish while sedating / inspire some of my favorite herbs. I freely because they do not cause addiction. Sedative / stimulating herbs that also strengthen or nourish: peel of citrus Eupatorium, kitten, and boats, ginger, hops, lavender, marjoram, Motherwort, oats, passionflower, peppermint, rosemary, sage, skullcap.

Strongly sedating / stimulating herbs include: Angelika pepper, blessed Thistle root, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cloves, coffee, licorice, opium poppy, the root of osha, lady's purse, sweet woodruff, turkish rhubarb root, uva, ursu leaves, valerian root, wild lettuce sap, willow bark and wintergreen leaves.

- Powerful potentially poisonous herbs are intense, in very small quantities and only as long as necessary. Side effects are common.

Examples of potentially poisonous herbs: Belladonna, blood root Celandine, Chaparral, foxglove, goldenseal, henbane, iris root, Jimson weed, lobelia, May Apple (American Mandrake), mistletoe, poke root of hemlock, the root Stillingia, turkey corn root, wild cucumber root.

In addition, consider these thoughts on the use of herbs for sure:

- Respect the power of plants to changes in body and spirit in dramatic ways.
- Increased confidence in the medicinal properties of plants treated scarce resources or external problems before or while working with major and internal problems.
- Strengthening existing ties with the knowledge of healers - in person or in pounds sterling - with residents interested in herbal medicine.
- Honor the uniqueness of each company, every person, every situation.
- Remember that everyone is fully cured and in his own unique way, at their own pace. People, plants and animals are in the process. But the body / mind is not treated. Not hold your breath to heal alls plants.


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