Why Does your penis shrivel up when you're cold, scared, or about to sleep with someone attractive?
When it's cold, the extrimities get starved of blood beacuse it all goes to the brain and the vital organs, so the penis shrinks.
When you're scared, the penis responds directly to the raised level of adrenaline. it wouldn't be a good evolutionary strategy for primitive man to have an erection when running away from a sabre-toothed tiger;all the blood needs to go to your legs, not your penis.
When faced with an attractive woman, the excitement you feel isn't the adrenaline-the adrenaline comes from anxiety about performing, and that's what can affect your erection.
Is There anything you can do to your penis to make it bigger?
There's no proof at all that anything makes your penis bigger. There are a few operations that may make it look a bit bigger, perhaps, but they all have significant risks.
Most men who have penis-lengthening operations actually have a normal-length penis - they just have an artificially high idea of how big the average penis is.
Is it possible to urinate when you've got an erection?
When a man has a full erection, the prostate can tense, making it more difficult, but you can pee with a full erection - as most men find out first thing in the morning when they're trying to bend their willy down towards the bowl.
Is it possible to break your penis?
You can fracture the penis. It normally occurs when the penis comes out of the vagina while erect, during sex, and bashes against the woman's public bone.
There's usually a sharp "crack" sound, and then severe bruising to the penis. You know those ballons that clowns use to make balloon animals? The penis is a bit like two of those, side by side, filled up with blood.
When they're full and rigid, they can get torn. If it's treated immediatelly, it can heal in six weeks. If not, it might heal with up to 90° bend in it.
Why do men get wet dreams?
We don't really understand why they happen. Erections in your sleep are a natural part of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, but wet dreams aren't that common.
Some men find they have more when they're not having a lot of sex, while others find they have more when they are getting lots of sex. It all depends on the man.
Can you harm yourself by abstaining from sex and ejaculation?
There area a lot of myths around this. I would be sceptical of someone who claims they never, ever masturbate or ejaculate, but it's not a problem.
You may have more wet dreams, or it could cause prostate pain, but there's no proof of that. While it's not natural for the body to never ejaculate, it doesn't seem to do the body any harm. Sperm just gets absorbed by the body - it gets broken down and digested.
What's the worst disease you can get in your genitals?
That's an impossible question to answer - there are some horrible things that can happen. What i will say is that the vast mafority of genital diseases are completely preventable.
Even testicular cancer is normally treatable if men check themselves regularly and catch it in time.
When it's cold, the extrimities get starved of blood beacuse it all goes to the brain and the vital organs, so the penis shrinks.
When you're scared, the penis responds directly to the raised level of adrenaline. it wouldn't be a good evolutionary strategy for primitive man to have an erection when running away from a sabre-toothed tiger;all the blood needs to go to your legs, not your penis.
When faced with an attractive woman, the excitement you feel isn't the adrenaline-the adrenaline comes from anxiety about performing, and that's what can affect your erection.
Is There anything you can do to your penis to make it bigger?
There's no proof at all that anything makes your penis bigger. There are a few operations that may make it look a bit bigger, perhaps, but they all have significant risks.
Most men who have penis-lengthening operations actually have a normal-length penis - they just have an artificially high idea of how big the average penis is.
Is it possible to urinate when you've got an erection?
When a man has a full erection, the prostate can tense, making it more difficult, but you can pee with a full erection - as most men find out first thing in the morning when they're trying to bend their willy down towards the bowl.
Is it possible to break your penis?
You can fracture the penis. It normally occurs when the penis comes out of the vagina while erect, during sex, and bashes against the woman's public bone.
There's usually a sharp "crack" sound, and then severe bruising to the penis. You know those ballons that clowns use to make balloon animals? The penis is a bit like two of those, side by side, filled up with blood.
When they're full and rigid, they can get torn. If it's treated immediatelly, it can heal in six weeks. If not, it might heal with up to 90° bend in it.
Why do men get wet dreams?
We don't really understand why they happen. Erections in your sleep are a natural part of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, but wet dreams aren't that common.
Some men find they have more when they're not having a lot of sex, while others find they have more when they are getting lots of sex. It all depends on the man.
Can you harm yourself by abstaining from sex and ejaculation?
There area a lot of myths around this. I would be sceptical of someone who claims they never, ever masturbate or ejaculate, but it's not a problem.
You may have more wet dreams, or it could cause prostate pain, but there's no proof of that. While it's not natural for the body to never ejaculate, it doesn't seem to do the body any harm. Sperm just gets absorbed by the body - it gets broken down and digested.
What's the worst disease you can get in your genitals?
That's an impossible question to answer - there are some horrible things that can happen. What i will say is that the vast mafority of genital diseases are completely preventable.
Even testicular cancer is normally treatable if men check themselves regularly and catch it in time.
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"do not aim for success if you want it, just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally"
"do not aim for success if you want it, just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally"
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