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August 11, 2009

Anxiety - What is Anxiety

His heart is beating fast and you feel dizzy. It seems as if you sit and do not fall. He has trouble breathing caught them. They have a sense of numbness in hands and feet. This increased pressure on the chest. They Anxiety that you are on the verge of a heart attack. What do you think something is wrong with you, but you are far from death. Anxiety is a psychological disorder in which a person fears most everything else, and they all believe that the outcome is worse.

This fear, anxiety, because it is so strong, and always afraid that someone is behind them. If you have any disturbances in fear, then your mind is always in the moment of anxiety for no reason. Always feeling that there is no solution to their fears are unfounded and that there is no exit. He felt paralyzed, and if you can not do anything. In principle, you are frozen with fear. This disorder can strike at any time.

Anxiety disorder more than one action. Anxiety disorder of different conditions, which are part of this. For example, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder and related anxiety disorder families.

There are many people who suffer from anxiety. If you are not with them, you can use someone who is. If you need to know how to help. If another person, you must know how to help. You have to understand and help them help and support they need to fight this disease.


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