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August 05, 2009

How to Prepare Panic Attack

If you have an anxiety disorder, panic attacks may be part of his life. Even medication, many patients with panic. Although predicting when the panic attack happens, it can be a bit complicated, you can use to prepare for these panic attacks to regain control over their lives.

As a first step to go back to learn is to breathe. If people panic attacks often feel overwhelmed, that you just forgot to breathe. Many doctors, therefore, defense security practices to help comrade to breathe calmly in a panic attack. In fact, if you ever had a panic attack in public places, someone tried to breathe into a paper bag. This may, or may be a good way for you, but the fact is that you should know and practice their breathing exercises before you panic. Do you plan to learn the breathing and calming practice, at least twice a day.

Other methods of relaxation may also contribute to your panic. Of course, you can find it difficult to meditate, even if you have a panic attack, but also learn to relax this procedure, you can use some techniques that help to quiet meditation, to calm down.

Another good way to prepare for a panic attack just to know your triggers. Do you have a phobia? Excess stress? Make sure that the situation seems impossible to you? If you know what causes panic, you can send everything possible to avoid or minimize such situations.

You must also be prepared for a medical panic attack. When leaving the house, it takes a list of emergency contacts, including the number of your doctor, your local crisis hotline and their staff support systems. You can use these data if you feel the panic in the beginning of the attack, otherwise you will find this information easily in your purse or wallet, if it does not help.

In addition, in a bag with you so that you feel comfortable and calm during a panic attack. An important part of the pocket of the drug you are taking, along with instructions to take. You can also use household items that you feel more comfortable. This can include herbal tea, stuffed animals, religious texts, photos, rubber bands to snap at the wrist, Mints, hand lotion, money, puzzle books, and anything that can help to relax, to stimulate your brain, or distracted. Remember that comfort is key.


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