According to recent estimates, asthma affects 300 million people worldwide and more than 22 million U.S. dollars. While people of all ages suffering from this disease usually begins in childhood, currently affecting 6 million U.S. children. Asthma kills about 255,000 people worldwide each year.
Children in danger
Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children - especially children who are underweight at birth, exposed Secondhand tobacco smoke, black, grew up in an environment with low incomes. Most symptoms Show first child aged under 5 years old, which usually begins as often episodes of wheezing with respiratory infections. Other risk factors for children's health allergies, eczema, allergic skin diseases, or parents with asthma.
Boys are more likely to develop asthma than girls, but this trend will be reversed in adulthood. Scientists believe that this is due to lower Airways young man, compared with the air of a young woman that leads to an increased risk of wheezing after viral infection.
Almost all allergic asthma. ) In fact, over 25% of people suffering from hay fever (allergic rhinitis and asthma develop. Allergic reactions caused by antibodies in the blood, which usually leads to inflammation of the airways in asthma.
Common sources of indoor allergens are proteins of animal origin (especially dog and cat allergens), dust mites, cockroaches and fungi. It is possible that the drive for energy-efficient homes has increased its exposure to these causes of asthma.
Snuff Smoke
Snuff Smoking is associated with increased risk of asthma, as well as an increased risk of death from asthma, breathlessness and respiratory infections. In addition, children of mothers who smoke - and others are exposed to secondhand smoke - have a higher risk of asthma prevalence. Adolescents smoking is also associated with increased risk of asthma.
Environmental factors
Allergic reactions and asthma symptoms are often the result of air pollution in the

Pollution, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone, low temperatures and high humidity, showed that trigger asthma in some people.
During periods of air pollution tend to have increased symptoms of asthma and hospitalization. Smoggy conditions of release of destructive elements are known as the ozone layer, which leads to coughing, shortness of breath and even chest pain. Those conditions, which emit sulfur dioxide, which also causes asthma narrowing of the airways.
Climate change is also known to induce asthma attacks. The cold air) may overload the airways (bronchial constriction of the respiratory tract), excretion and reduced mucociliary clearance (another kind of inefficiency of the respiratory tract. In some populations, the humidity also causes breathing problems.
Overweight adults - people with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 30 - or 38% more likely asthma compared with adults who are not overweight. Obese adults - people with a BMI of 30 or more - have double the risk of asthma. According to some researchers, the risk may be higher for non-allergic asthma, allergic asthma.
Way to give the world seems to affect susceptibility to asthma. Child, born by Caesarean section have a 20% increase in the prevalence of asthma than children born by natural childbirth. It is possible that the immune system will change the bacterial infection from exposure by Caesarean section at the difference.
When mothers smoke during pregnancy, their children, lower lung function. This may pose an additional risk of asthma. The study also showed that prematurity is a risk factor for asthma.
Stressed people have a higher asthma. It can be partially explained by an increase in asthma-related behaviors such as smoking, which receive support from stress. However, recent research has suggested that the immune system has changed as a result of stress.
It is possible that 100 genes associated with asthma - 25 of them were associated with different populations from 2005.
Asthma-related genes also play an important role in the management of the immune system and inflammation. Nevertheless, it is the logical result of genetic studies of the population - further research is needed to calculate the complex interaction leads to asthma.
Mom and Dad can partly blame for the asthma than three-fifths of all asthma cases are hereditary. Centers for Disease Control (USA) said that a parent with asthma increases the risk of a person within three to six times.
Genetics can also interact with environmental factors. For example, the effect of bacterial endotoxin-CD14 product, and genetic characteristics (single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), C-159T) were reproduced in a good example of genes and the environment associated with bronchial asthma.
Hypersensitivity of the airways
Researchers are not sure why hypersensitive airways, is an additional risk factor for asthma, but allergen or cold air can cause hyperactive ignite Airways. Some people do not develop asthma, increased sensitivity of the respiratory tract, but it seems hyperreactivity to an increased risk of developing asthma.
Atopy - such as eczema (atopic dermatitis), allergic rhinitis (hay fever), allergic conjunctivitis (eye disease) - a general class of allergic sensitivity affects the body parts that are not in contact with the allergen. Atopy is a risk factor for asthma.
Approximately 40% to 50% of children with atopic dermatitis, asthma, and it is likely that children with severe atopic dermatitis and chronic asthma in adulthood.
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