"According to information collected by our field staff, which killed two people, namely Karsa (45) and 13-year-old child, whose identity has not yet been confirmed and 30 other people," the head of the wounded Pangalengan subdistrict, Haris Taufiq said his office on Wednesday.
He said that two were killed when the walls of their houses collapsed on them in size 7.3 earthquake around 3 pm.
"They were in their homes when the earthquake occurred, and did not have time to flee their homes," he said.
The bodies of two were taken to local hospitals for identification.
Haris said, almost all houses in 13 villages were damaged in their area.
"Damage to the walls, broke from the set of cracks," he said.
"We have an emergency and set up field kitchens to help the victims," he said.
The quake was south-west of the sea 142 km from Tasikmalaya.
Meanwhile, the head of the fisheries Palabuhanratu (PPNP), Arief Rahman said that the earthquake can not cause a tsunami in Pelabuhanratu because the region was blocked Ujung Genteng Beach.
The earthquake, which lasted about a minute, felt in Jakarta, and in some parts of West Java.
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