"People were warned of possible tsunami, and raised the level is actually happening on the coast Pameungpeuk but gentle, said the director of meteorology, climatology and Geophysiscs Agency (BMG), Sri Voro Harijono said on Wednesday.
Voro said early warning system for tsunamis (TEWS) in Pelabuhanratu, sounded Sukabumi, alarm about 10 seconds, and then stopped.
He admitted that there was an earthquake, whose epicenter was in the Indian Ocean about 30 kilometers below sea level, 142 km southwest of Tasikmalaya, very powerful, and believed to Bali.
The earthquake was felt in Yogyakarta and Semarang, Central Java. She believes that Java in the southern coastal areas, and Tasikmalaya, Garut, Ciamis, Cianjur and Sukabumi.
In Tasikmalaya, earthquake, which tore tiles from the roof of the mayor `S office. The death toll from the earthquake.
Two deaths in Sukamanah, Pangalengan Bandung. Meanwhile, twelve sites were discovered after the earthquake in Cianjur. Six of them died after she was buried in a landslide, which occurred minutes after the earthquake.
Employees in high-rise buildings in the capital, Jakarta, escaped after the earthquake, fearing a repetition of "exclusion zones" in order to avoid shaking the flow of traffic causes congestion in many parts of the city.
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